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About These Books

A lot of people think the Bible is just a bunch of stories and superstitious mumbo-jumbo. They say it's an outdated book that has no value or application for people in the modern world.

It’s because the Bible was not written for them.

The Bible is not a history of the world. It is God’s instruction manual for his people on how to live an abundant life...now, and for eternity. It’s not for everyone, nor was it intended to be.

You see, there are only two kinds of people in the world...the children of God, and everyone else. Irrespective of what you hear from the pulpit, we are not “all God’s children.”

God made the evil and the good...some for honor, some for dishonor.

Most of what you hear from the pulpit, on radio and television, see on the internet, or read in books, is just the regurgitated pablum of “Christians” passing on what they learned in Seminary or church.


What if, like the Pharisees before them...they’re wrong?


I’m not saying "preachers are wicked, evil, people (some may be), but Satan’s greatest victory was convincing the world he doesn’t exist. If Satan wore a red suit and carried a pitchfork, he would be easy to recognize, but Satan comes as an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of righteousness...not the dark foreboding figures you see in movies or read in books.

I mean, can you think of a better way to deceive people, than from the pulpit?

You are probably here because you have questions or doubts about God. Maybe you’re confused by what you hear, or perhaps what you hear just doesn’t make any sense to you.


Whether you believe in God or not, I think you’ll find the books enlightening.

But be forewarned, these books shake the pillars of modern Christianity and may even offend some readers, but I’m not trying to convert you or convince you of anything.


I just want you to know the truth, because when you know the truth, the truth will make you free. Free from the bondage of religion. Free to live as God intended, in peace, without fear.

You can’t change the world.

You can, however, change YOUR world...all it takes is desire, commitment, and someone to show you the way.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; and when you KNOW the Truth, you’ll know the way.

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